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Baja Yucca Company is a producer of high-quality yucca schidigera liquids and powders.  


We are also a major supplier of quillaja saponaria liquids and powder.  Quillaja is rapidly becoming a popular alternative for yucca because of its superior performance, sustainability, long-term supply and lower cost.


Our company has more than 50 years of experience with yucca & quillaja in the food & beverage, nutraceutical, feed, pet food and crop industries worldwide. 

Baja Yucca Company is driven to provide each & every one of our customers: 


  • High quality yucca & quillaja 

  • Competitive pricing

  • Short lead-times

  • Timely technical support

  • Unparalleled customer service

Our success is measured by yours!



Yucca 50 Liquid


A concentrated natural extract of Yucca Schidigera. Extraction is by cold- pressed processing to ensure retention of all natural state attributes. Yucca extract contains the general food solids and Yucca saponins common to the Yucca species and is approved for use in food & beverages under FDA Federal register Paragraph 21 CFR 172.510.


Yucca Schidigera, also known as the Mojave Yucca or Spanish Dagger, is a flowering plant that is native of the Sonoran Desert of southwestern U.S. and Baja, Mexico.  This yucca species thrives in full sun and in soil with excellent drainage.
Yucca Schidigera is a small evergreen tree growing to 5 meters in height with a dense crown of spirally arranged bayonet-like leaves on top of a conspicuous basal trunk.  The bark is gray-brown, being covered with brown dead leaves near the top, becoming irregularly rough and scaly-to-ridges closer to the ground.  The leaves are 30-150 cm long and 4-11 cm broad at the base and yellow/green to blue/green in color.
Yucca Schidigera is a natural product with many uses and benefits used extensively across a wide range of industries including, food & beverage, nutraceutical, feed, pet food, and crops.
Please contact us today for spec sheets, samples, quotations or any other questions you may have.




Quillaja Natural Powder


QUILLAJACHOICE is 100% natural powder made from pure quillaja saponaria. Quillaja Natural Powder reduces odor and ammonia.  It is the perfect cost-effective 1:1 replacement for Yucca Natural Powder.

Quillaja Saponaria, (Chilean Soap Bark Tree) is native to Chile. Quillaja trees grow 50' to 60' high. Their leaves are smooth, shiny and oval, with white flowers. The bark is thick, dark in color and very tough. It is known for its many benefits and applications most commonly in the Food & Beverage and Agribusiness industries.  Baja Yucca Company offers Quillaja Saponaria as an extract and natural powder & spray-dried powders. FDA Approved.
Introducing QuillajaChoice® – 100% Natural Pulverized Natural Quillaja Saponaria Powder

We have developed the most competitive ingredient to reduce undesirable emissions, ammonia and odors in livestock, swine, poultry and pet feces, while improving gut health. QuillajaChoice® is a proprietary product from pure Quillaja Saponaria biomass powder. It is 100% natural and from a fully sustainable supply chain. Its formulation allows us to guarantee a perfect source of triterpenic saponins and polyphenols at a very competitive cost while ensuring the highest quality process controls and final ingredient.  


Several studies have demonstrated QuillajaChoice® to decrease NH3 in farms operations. It also improves performance as an alternative growth promotor, improved intestinal health, nutrient absorption, immune response and productive parameters in livestock and pets.


QuillajaChoice® is the perfect choice for decreased emissions and enhanced overall health of production and companion animals at a cost lower than yucca schidigera.




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